From the 2024 ‘Illuminate Live Presents’ concert series at the Bandshell in San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park, The Nondual Trio delivering Willy Claflin’s ‘Dream On Jesse’ – a song about people dreaming of financial justice – alongside blustery winds and flying dust.
Willy Claflin – Acoustic guitar (
Frank Buffum – Bass (
Rick Higgs – Electric guitar
The 120 years old Bandshell was recently retrofitted with new lighting, a state-of-the-art sound system and a new stage.
#sanfrancisco #goldengatepark #bandshell #nondualtrio #DreamOnJess #jessejames #willyclaflin #frankbuffum #rickhiggs #alcatrazradio
January 2025
Mike Dingle @ Macchiarini’s – ‘Democracy’
From recently at ‘Macchiarini Creative Design Jewelry and Sculpture’ on Grant Avenue in San Francisco’s North Beach neighborhood, local legend Mike Dingle delivering this cover of Leonard Cohen’s ‘Democracy’ – a song about Democracy coming to the USA – with perfect timing no less.
Mike and Friends can be heard every 3rd Thursday at San Francisco’s legendary Saloon:
#sanfrancisco #macchiarinicreativedesign #mikedingle #leonardcohen #democracy #alcatrazradio
Robin Hodge Williams & Martin Luther McCoy – ‘Oh Happy Day’
From once upon a time at San Francisco’s Flower Piano in the Golden Gate Park Botanical Garden, Gospel legends Robin Hodge Williams and Martin Luther McCoy delivering this rendition of ‘Oh Happy Day’, a song about Jesus cleansing sinners.
Flower Piano takes place in September and is free to San Francisco residents – celebrating pianos for enthusiast and players alike.
#sanfrancisco #goldengatepark #botanicalgarden #flowerpiano #Robinhodgewilliams #martinlutherMccoy #Ohhappyday #jesus #gospel #alcatrazradio
North Beach’s First Friday (December) – Poetry Reading & Music
Celebrating the Holiday Season – December 2024’s ‘First Friday’ hosted by ‘Macchiarini Creative Design Jewelry and Sculpture’ on Grant Avenue in San Francisco’s North Beach neighborhood, with introduction by Dan Macchiarini and orchestrated by Jessica Loos alongside poets Mario Sacasa, Dave Zieses, Ayla Ginger, Brian Lucas and music with Stephen Truskolaski and also Mario Sacasa.
First Friday has been a tradition in North Beach since 2007.
Macchiarini Creative Design Jewelry and Sculpture offers classes for metal work sharing over sixty years of metal work experience brought into intimate class settings for beginners and experienced jewelry makers alike. For more information:
#SanFrancisco #NorthBeach #FirstFriday #Poetry #Reading #MacchiariniCreativeDesign #JessicaLoos #AylaGinger #MarioSacasa #BrianLucas #DaveZieses #StephenTruskolaski #AlcatrazRadio