From recently at San Francisco’s favorite Saloon, GG Amos Trio delivering this sizzlin’ rendition of Johnny Heartsman’s ‘Amour Cherie’ – an obscure instrumental about love.
The GG Amos Trio can be heard playing at The Saloon every Tuesday from 4:30 to 8:30 PM.
Located at 1232 Grant Avenue, ‘The Saloon’ is San Francisco’s oldest bar and best place to hear live blues.
#sanfrancisco #thesaloon #ggamos #trio #parrisbertolucci #randyhayes #johnnyheartsman #amourcherie #alcatrazradio
September 2023
Ben Misterka & Friends @ Belle Cora – ‘Move On Up’
Once upon a time at the Belle Cora in San Francisco’s North Beach, Ben Misterka and Friends delivering this rendition of ‘Move On Up’ – originally released by Curtis Mayfield in 1970 – a song about perseverance, with Ben Misterka in guitar, Keith Waters on bass, Blake Ritterman on drums and Tony Martinez on congas.
Ben Misterka – Guitar
Blake Ritterman – Drums
Keith Waters – Bass
Tony Martinez – Congas
Located at 565 Green Street, Belle Cora offers a delicious food menu in addition to wines and craft beers, alongside live music.
#SanFrancisco #NorthBeach #BelleCora #BenMisterka #Guitar #BlakeRitterman #Drums #KeithWaters #Bass #TonyMartinez #Congas #curtismayfield #moveonup #Cover #AlcatrazRadio
North Beach’s First Friday (September) – Poetry Reading & Music
September 2023’s ‘First Friday’ hosted by ‘Macchiarini Creative Design Jewelry and Sculpture’ on Grant Avenue in San Francisco’s North Beach neighborhood, celebrating ‘San Francisco Summer’. Orchestrated by Jessica Loos alongside poets Barbara Paschke, Neeli Cherkovski, Danny Rosen and music with Carol Denney and Scott Thompson, with brief appearance by Frank Holmes.
First Friday has been a tradition in North Beach since 2007. Macchiarini Creative Design Jewelry and Sculpture offers classes for metal work sharing over sixty years of metal work experience brought into intimate class settings for beginners and experienced jewelry makers alike. For more information:
#SanFrancisco #NorthBeach #FirstFriday #Poetry #Reading #MacchiariniCreativeDesign #JessicaLoos #BarbaraPaschke #NeeliCherkovski #DannyRosen #CarolDenney #ScottThompson #alcatrazradio
Mauro ffortissimo @ Flower Piano 2023 – ‘Who Says San Francisco Isn’t Happening?’
While at Flower Piano on its final day – maestro of ceremonies Mauro ffortissimo delivering his poem titled ‘Who Says San Francisco Isn’t Happening?’ – a poem about love.
#sanfrancisco #botanicalgardens #flowerpiano #mauroffortissimo #whosayssanfranciscoisnthappening #poetry #alcatrazradio
Tongo Eisen-Martin @ Flower Piano Poetry Session 2021
From 2021 Flower Piano in San Francisco’s Botanical Garden, San Francisco’s Poet Laureate Tongo Eisen-Martin delivering a series of heartfelt poems about life in San Francisco and beyond, perhaps.
Flower Piano is once against hosting pianists and piano lovers from Friday September 7th until Monday September 11, 2023.
#sanfrancisco #goldengatepark #botanicalgardens #flowerpiano #poetry #tongoeisenmartin #pianos #poetry #alcatrazradio
Stan Erhart & the Fabulous Misfits @ The Saloon – ‘After Midnight’
From recently at San Francisco’s legendary Saloon, Stan Erhart & the Fabulous Misfits delivering this brilliant rendition of ‘After Midnight’ – a song originally released by J.J. Cale in 1966.
Located at 1232 Grant Avenue, ‘The Saloon’ is San Francisco’s oldest bar and best place to hear live blues.
#sanfrancisco #stanerhart #fabulousmisfits #aftermidnight #JJcale #thesaloon #alcatrazradio