Captured Saturday, March 19th while at ‘Melt’, James Washington and friends deliver this rendition of the classic Moanin’ by Bobby Timmons.
James Washington on Piano
Greer Rockett on trumpet,
Shaffer Salisbury on sax
Brady Bolton on drums
Rob Bassinette on bass
Melt is one of the few establishments still hosting live Jazz in North Beach, and they’re set to close in a few months, hence the ‘Melt -Down’ sessions.
#SanFrancisco #Live #Jazz #MeltCafe #MeltdownSessions #NorthBeach #JamesWashington #Piano #GreerRockett #Trumpet#ShafferSalisbury #Sax #BradyBolton #Drums #RobBassinette #Bass #Moanin‘ #Cover #BobbyTimmons.