Dedicated to beloved poet Jack Hirschman, September’s ‘First Friday’ – orchestrated by Jessica Loos and hosted by Dan Macchiarini at ‘Macchiarini Creative Design Jewelry and sculpture’ on Grant Avenue in San Francisco – alongside poets Scott Byrd, Sarah Menefee, Michael Warr, Rosemary Manno, Robert Carlson, Agneta Falk Hirschman, and Mauro Ffortisimo, with music by Oliver Levi and Jack Long. First Friday has been a tradition in North Beach since 2007.

‘Macchiarini Creative Design Jewelry and sculpture’ offers classes for metal work in addition to custom art work.

We apologize for the lousy audio. (wind, autos and low volumes)

#SanFrancisco #NorthBeach #FirstFriday #Poetry #Reading #MacchiariniCreativeDesign #DanMacchiarini #JessicaLoos #ScottByrd #MichaelWarr #RosemaryManno #RobertCarlson #AgnetaFalkHirschman #MauroFfortisimo #OliverLevi #JackLong #Dedication #JackHirschman #AlcatrazRadio